Arhatic Yoga Levels
Arhatic Yoga Level 1
Arhatic Yoga Level 1 involves the rapid activation of the chakras and opening of the major meridians to allow more Kundalini energy and Spiritual energy to flow through your system.
Typically, students will experience an increase in the size of the chakras by 100% to 300%, depending on the ability of the energy body to handle intense Spiritual and Kundalini energies. You will also notice your healing abilities increase tremendously, you will have a less chance of being depleted when healing or when dealing with negative situations.
Each of our chakras have inherent powers:
- Crown chakra: intuition, spiritual connection
- Ajna chakra: willpower, abstract thinking faculties
- Throat chakra: creativity and detailed thinking
- Heart chakra: compassion and sensitivity to subtle energies
- Solar Plexus chakra: competitiveness and courage
- Navel chakra: instincts and storehouse of energy
- Sex chakra: charisma, creativity
- Basic chakra: dynamic activity and physical power

By activating these chakras all the inherent psychic/psychological powers are magnified.
Arhatic Yoga Level 1 will rapidly accelerate your spiritual evolution, and most importantly, your ability to do service.
Each higher level of Arhatic Yoga generates approximately ten times more energy than the previous one. This would mean that a good foundation is critical if you are interested in applying for Level 1. Please diligently practice the techniques you were given in Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level. This includes: Consistent Meditation, Purification and especially Service and Tithing.
Arhatic Yoga level one is based on the following principles:
- Each chakra has a spiritual and psychological function.
- Each higher chakra has a lower corresponding chakra.
- The higher chakra must be activated first before the lower chakra is activated.
- The purpose for this is that the higher chakra with the higher spiritual and psychological function must control the lower chakra with the lower psychological function, just as the manager or supervisor must direct the workers.
- If the lower chakras are activated first before the higher chakras, the higher chakras will not be in a position to control the lower nature of the person.
- This spiritual technique is very different from techniques practiced in India, where the activation is started from the lower chakras moving up to the upper chakras. In Arhatic Yoga it is the higher chakras that are activated first, then the corresponding lower chakras.
- The principle of activating the higher chakras first instead of the lower chakras is very important. If this instruction is not followed, spiritual disciples may encounter serious problems. The weaknesses of a disciple will be magnified and instead of spiritually progressing, the spiritual aspirant will retrogress.
- This is the reason why in ancient times, the guru would insist that a student undergo many years of inner purification or character building before they were taught how to meditate.
Prerequisite: at least 2 years of regularly practicing Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level
Arhatic Yoga Level 2
Once Arhatic Yoga Level One has been practiced for some time, the chakras are more or less permanently activated and the student has become used to the changes in their energy body. The next step (Arhatic Yoga Level 2) is to relate or closely linked the higher and lower chakras, just as the manager and workers must be closely connected.
The purpose of interconnecting the activated chakras is to become a better person spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Many spiritual aspirants have a misconception that the purpose of spiritual practice is just to achieve divine bliss, divine ecstasy and divine oneness.
These are just partial benefits. The purpose of spiritual practices is to accelerate the evolutionary development of the soul that the person can be of greater service to mankind and the planet earth.

Of what use is a high degree of intelligence or expansion of consciousness or the achievement of tremendous internal power if a large portion of humanity still wallows in ignorance and suffering? Of what use is a super cargo ship if it carries nothing inside? The purpose of Arhatic Yoga is to produce intelligent, compassionate, good hearted, powerful disciples who will become great divine servants. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate pride, self-conceitedness, and self-delusion. A person with great pride will not become a great servant; he will make other people his servants.
Prerequisite: regularly practicing Arhatic Yoga Level 1 diligently for one or more years
Arhatic Yoga Level 3
Arhatic Yoga Level 3 develops the antah-karana or spiritual bridge of light and the etheric golden body. Alchemical processes are performed on the chakras, kundalini and spiritual energy to enhance physical, emotional and mental abilities. As the bridge of light is created, the degree of soul connection is enhanced. With regular practice for three to five years, the etheric body turns golden and becomes super conductive to higher spiritual energies.
Prerequisite: practicing Arhatic Yoga Level 2 diligently for two or more years

Arhatic Yoga Higher Levels
There are higher levels of arhatic yoga. click on the link to read more about all arhatic yoga levels.